Gray wolves spotted in California National Park for first time in 100 years – here’s everything hikers need to know

Gray wolves spotted in California National Park for first time in 100 years – here’s everything hikers need to know

A pack of gray wolves has been sighted within the boundaries of California’s Lassen Volcanic National Park for the first time in nearly 100 years of federal protection. In a Facebook post issued by California Wolf Watch, “wolf coordinator” Axel Hunnicutt of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife confirmed the pack is roaming the […]

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Petition: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in New Jersey

Petition: Help Ban Wildlife Killing Contests in New Jersey

Wildlife killing contests bring people together in the name of death and suffering, and that’s why many states are banning the disgusting tradition altogether.  Source: HSUS/YouTube Oregon, Arizona, California, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Vermont, and Washington have all banned wildlife killing contests, and now New York. Why? Because they are widely considered as […]

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