It’s the staple of life! Water, birds need water every day, multiple days a day. They need it for both drinking and for bathing, both essential survival needs. In the summer, free water is scarce in many regions because pools evaporate. In the winter time free water freezes. Both scenarios remove water from the system. […]
Author: Moose Peterson

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a ….
I’m often asked how much lens do you need for bird photography? My response is a really old quote, “Go out with your longest lens or else you’ll come back short!” And with that I always add, what’s the story you want to tell? Because for me after being so fortunate to photograph birds for […]

Elegance on Ice
A very special place for critters, birds, Sandhill Cranes, in particular, is Bosque del Apache NWR. I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have been coming here forever and this week being here with dear friends is extra special. Sandhill Cranes are an amazing bird coming to Bosque to overwinter, storing up reserves to make the flight […]

The Fur is Comin
The coats of mammals are essential to regulating their core temperature. It’s really a marvel of adaptation when you look at the color, length, molts, patterns and distribution each mammal has which is what in large part makes each unique. There is one thing we can generalize, mammals coats become their most luxurious in winter. […]

Bird Bath Birds
I had the itch to spend some time with my birds. So I set up the D850 / 800mm on a bird bath where I could work on the computer and shoot. I actually had a great time, photographed over a dozen species and made a couple of images I really like. What I love […]

Alaskan Moose Adventure ’18
Alaska Moose 22-27 Oct, 2018 $2190 This will always remain one of my all time favorite adventures! It’s time to head back to see my northern cousin, the Alaskan Moose. In talking with colleagues up in AK, it would seem that the slow change in temps has changed the habits of the mating in the […]

They Call Him Jim Bob!
Well, we call them Jim Bob, the rest of the world calls them Willow Ptarmigan (the Alaska State Bird). When it’s mating season this largish bird simply turns stupid. While not the brightest bird in the flock to start with (some hunt them by simply throwing rocks at them), when there is sex in the […]

Looks Great on Paper
We were so fortunate last week to spend it in the company of some great shooter and amazing birds. That combination should have produced some killer images. It was on paper the perfect mix of biology and technology, hummers and flash. Madera Cyn, Santa Rita Lodge, in particular, is simply a spectacular location for birds, […]