High fertiliser use halves numbers of pollinators, world’s longest study finds

High fertiliser use halves numbers of pollinators, world’s longest study finds

Using high levels of common fertilisers on grassland halves pollinator numbers and drastically reduces the number of flowers, research from the world’s longest-running ecological experiment has found. Increasing the amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus doused on agricultural grassland reduced flower numbers fivefold and halved the number of pollinating insects, according to the paper by […]

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4 Ways Crows Have Displayed Their Intelligence: From Solving Puzzles to Using Tools

4 Ways Crows Have Displayed Their Intelligence: From Solving Puzzles to Using Tools

You might have heard the term “bird brain”, but this slight doesn’t apply to crows (or any birds for that matter). Crows stand out as remarkable problem solvers and tool users. These feathered geniuses have captivated researchers and bird enthusiasts with their astonishing cognitive abilities – so we are sharing some of our favorites with […]

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Thousands of wild animals ‘slaughtered’ every year to protect shooting for sport on grouse moors

Thousands of wild animals ‘slaughtered’ every year to protect shooting for sport on grouse moors

An Oxford-led academic study has claimed a staggering 260,000 animals are killed in Scotland every year to protect the grouse population for shooting on country estates. They said the practice of using traps to cull predators on Scottish moors causes “tremendous, unjustifiable suffering” to creatures and must be fully banned. Animals targeted include foxes, weasels, […]

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