After leaving home at 4am this morning we found ourselves walking down the lane to the old mill in the village of Llan-mill in Pembrokeshire by 7.30am. As we approached the MP Simon Harts home we were greeted by another birder who directed us into the back garden which overlooks the large flooded pond where […]
Tag: dipper

Scotland 2017
A short break in Tomatin up in the highlands of Scotland has given me the chance to see some fabulous sites again whilst picking up a few year ticks and grabbing a few record shots. First I visited a fish farm near Cairn Gorm and managed to see my first Osprey of 2017 without having […]

Bulgaria Trip – 23rd April (Day 2)
We awoke to the sound of a Black Redstart singing from the tiled roofs outside our room, we quickly freshened up and were drinking shots of expresso by 06:15. Minko arrived at 06:30 and we were off. Driving along the wooded gorge we passed through the still sleeping town of Devonish and climbed the slopes […]

Water Ouzel Nest Found at Lassen Volcanic National Park
One of the best things about our annual Audubon chapter’s Lassen Park campout is that we get to see several species of mountain birds that we don’t normally see in the Sacramento Valley. I know for a certainty that I will be able to see one of my favorites, the American Dipper whenever I visit […]

Breeding Dippers
Lots more video to come now that I have worked out how to post it! These White-breasted Dippers are the birds that I watched daily for 8 weeks last year.