Green Heron Llan-mill Pembrokeshire

Green Heron Llan-mill Pembrokeshire

After leaving home at 4am this morning we found ourselves walking down the lane to the old mill in the village of Llan-mill in Pembrokeshire by 7.30am.

As we approached the MP Simon Harts home we were greeted by another birder who directed us into the back garden which overlooks the large flooded pond where the Green Heron has set up home. We enjoyed great views straight away as the visitor from across the pond enjoyed the hospitality of this small Welsh pond as did we when Simon and his wife came out to provide tea and coffee in what must go down as the best twitch I can remember.

To open your garden to a group of strangers (and we are a strange group) takes something special. We made a point to thank them for there hospitality and hope that all visitors respect the fact that they’re in somebodies back yard. As for the bird…well it was a bit of a star!

Green Heron


Green Heron
Green Heron
Green Heron

After we’d enjoyed the Heron with the gathering and of course a little banter we moved on first picking up a pair of Dipper at Blackpool Mill before driving the twenty miles to Marloes where we managed to get a few ticks all of which proved far more difficult than the Heron and included Chough, House Martin and Puffin. I picked out a couple of Manx Shearwaters distantly between the islands.


Year list now197Life list now 395

The Garden
Arrow pointing to the Heron

And with the help of a 400mm lens and a heavy crop.

Great bird, great twitch in a great location and in good company what more could you ask for?Coffee I suppose but even that was provided today!


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Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson

Essex Birder using the blog as a diary of my trips around the country chasing birds. Enjoying the places it takes me and the people I meet along the way. Great to spend time with my Dad and brother as we chase our year lists and grow our life list in the process.

Brian Anderson

Brian Anderson

Essex Birder using the blog as a diary of my trips around the country chasing birds. Enjoying the places it takes me and the people I meet along the way. Great to spend time with my Dad and brother as we chase our year lists and grow our life list in the process.

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