Lessons from the past may improve the future for manatees

Lessons from the past may improve the future for manatees

While current manatee populations in Florida are threatened, their populations are higher than they ever historically were. Records show that manatee (Trichechus manatus) populations grew and began expanding across the Florida Peninsula during the same documented periods of human population increases, anthropogenic landscape changes, and social and policy changes. But with an increase in humans, […]

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Will ‘Trump Part II’ be the wakeup call needed toward more effective conservation? (commentary)

Will ‘Trump Part II’ be the wakeup call needed toward more effective conservation? (commentary)

What a week. The global biodiversity conference in Cali, Colombia (COP16) had just concluded. And then Trump got re-elected as President of the United States. Clearly the latter puts an enormous damper on the former. That is, if one believes that the Cali conference actually made significant progress in terms of tackling the biodiversity crisis. […]

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Patrol Tools to Protect Wildlife Habitat: Modern Solutions for Conservation

Patrol Tools to Protect Wildlife Habitat: Modern Solutions for Conservation

Introduction to Wildlife Conservation Tools Wildlife conservation tools are crucial for safeguarding biodiversity and preventing habitat loss and poaching. Using these tools, you can help protect endangered species and preserve ecosystems. Importance of Biodiversity Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth. It includes all species of plants, animals, and microorganisms and the ecosystems they […]

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Essays on Wildlife Protection Laws: Balancing Legal and Environmental Perspectives

Essays on Wildlife Protection Laws: Balancing Legal and Environmental Perspectives

As we confront increased ecological pressures, wildlife laws are a necessary protection for all the lifeforms of the world. These laws are humankind’s oath to conserve biodiversity and ensure that millions of animal species live on for future generations. Essays on wildlife protection laws can effectively balance legal and environmental perspectives, with support from resources […]

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Biden administration restores threatened species protections dropped by Trump

Biden administration restores threatened species protections dropped by Trump

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) – The Biden administration on Thursday restored rules to protect imperiled species and shield their habitat from destruction after the measures were rolled back under former President Donald Trump. Among the changes, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will reinstate a decades-old regulation that mandates blanket protections for animals and plants newly […]

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Chick killer on the loose: Officials hunt for person who shot endangered baby whooping crane to death in Louisiana – and are offering a ,500 reward for information leading to arrest

Chick killer on the loose: Officials hunt for person who shot endangered baby whooping crane to death in Louisiana – and are offering a $12,500 reward for information leading to arrest

Officials are on the hunt for the killer of an endangered chick found dead in Louisiana. The Dallas Zoo, where the chick was born, announced the death last week, saying the bird was found with gunshot wounds two months after being released into the wild – it was part of a conservation program to increase […]

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