What is Beauty? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or so the saying goes. Beauty can be described as a combination of qualities that pleases the senses. Although, what one person views as “beautiful” may not be “beautiful” to another. I happen to be one of the many people who can see the […]
Tag: Great Egret
Bird City San Antonio goes Postal on Migratory Birds
Boom, Boom, Boom, explosives sounding all too much like gunshots heard in city park. It was violent, savage, cruel, disturbing, and wicked to those of us who care about our migratory Birds. The big question is why? Why when the birds were in a forest away from the public? @1agbirdladysa #gone #postal #bird #city #sanantonio […]
Journey of the Migratory Birds in San Antonio – a Journey Cut Short Part 2
January 2020 – Elmendorf Lake Park – Bird Island: The USDA’s Wildlife Service continues their assault on the Egrets and Herons on Bird Island. Volunteers bang two by four boards at the birds while a USDA employee shoots EPCD’s or Explosive Pest Control Devices out of blank 22 handguns at the birds. The explosives are […]
Journey of the Migratory Birds in San Antonio – A Journey Cut Short – Part 1
Brackenridge Park: As I held a rescued newly hatched Egret chick in my hand back in 2021, I should have known what lie ahead for the migratory birds-a future of harassment, destruction of habitat, and most likely death. Years ago, I overheard someone with the City of San Antonio (COSA) say “they had an Egret […]
Assault on San Antonio’s Waterbirds continues as Audubon Turns their back on the birds.
According to Wikipedia: The National Audubon Society is an American non-profit environmental organization dedicated to conservation of birds and their habitats. So, why does it appear that San Antonio’s local Audubon has distanced themselves from “defending” the birds along with their habitats? Is San Antonio Not Big Enough for a Rookery? The Great Egret-the symbol […]
Those Poor Whooping Cranes May Never Be the Same Again
To some observers, the noise sounds like fireworks, to others the noise mimics gunshots. With a few visitors fortunate or not so fortunate to observe the USDA’s Wildlife Services shooting the explosive cartridges out of a blank 22 handgun inside the park. The Safety Data Sheet lists the cartridge as an “exploding bomb”. The explosive […]
Barnacle Goose!
Yesterday afternon news broke of a young Barnacle Goose at Agamon Hula. As with any wildfowl records, concerns about its origins were raised based on poor quality photos. Later on, when better photos emerged, no plumage anomalies were visible, the bird was properly wary, it’s circumstances (age, timing and location) support genuine vagrancy, and the […]
Early At The Shore With Oystercatchers
I made a stop down at the shoreline early in the morning. I was trying to catch low tide hoping to find shorebirds. The only shorebirds I came across were American Oystercatchers. They had no problem finding plenty to eat. The oystercatchers were boisterous making lots of noise communicating with each other. I also saw […]