Estas son algunas de las Garzas que pude fotografiar el Viernes 24 de Mayo en la Reserva urbana Arroyo Itá de Posadas, celebramos y mucho esta nueva iniciativa de la EBY para preservar estos espacios naturales para que muchos puedan disfrutar de la naturaleza en un lugar que lentamente está recuperándose y los animales vuelven […]
Tag: Great Egret

Merritt Island NWR, 3/30/2013
This morning I spent the morning at Merrit Island NWR. I first went to Blackpoint Wildlife Drive, and that was pretty fun. The biggest highlights were seeing several American Avocets in breeding plumage and my first Eastern Kingbird of the year. The Eastern Kingbird was right near the restrooms, where I seem to find them […]

Garza blanca (Great egret)
Pasaron mas de 5 meses sin compartir fotos de la Garza blanca en el blog así que muestro ahora estas 3 imágenes de una solitaria garza blanca que se cruzó enfrente nuestro para posarse en uno de los charcos del costado del camino mientras estábamos regresando hacia la Ruta Nacional 12. Instantes antes de posarse. […]

Waterbirds and migratory waders of Sydney Olympic Park
Sydney Olympic park is one of the best places to see waders and waterbirds in the Greater Sydney environs. At the Waterbird Refuge pond artificial islands have been set up to provide additional habitat for a breeding colony of Black-winged stilts (Himantopus himantopus). In summer months migratory species make their home at this pond before […]

Do You Enjoy Our National Wildlife Refuges?
Do you enjoy our National Wildlife Refuges? Did you know that our national wildlife refuges are home to more than 700 types of birds, 220 varieties of mammals, 250 kinds of reptiles and amphibians, 1,000 species of fish and countless invertebrates and plants. They provide havens for some 280 endangered species, from the Florida panther […]

The heron family near Jizan
During the trip to the Jizan area, much of the heron family activity was at Lake Maliki. This is the largest fresh water mass in the kingdom by a big margin. The two commonest heron family members were glossy ibis and squacco heron. I looked carefully through the glossy bis for juvenile northern bald ibis. […]

Grote Zilverreiger
Als laatste dit jaar een kort blogje met wat foto van een Zilverreiger. Deze foto’s zijn op dezelfde dag genomen als het Torenvalkje. Deze zilverreiger liep voor de hut wat heen en weer te zoeken naar wat eten. Op een gegeven ogenblik begon de zon te schijnen en kwam de reiger tussen de zon en […]

The Arrival Of Wintering Cranes
The last week has been pretty good bird-wise. The weather, as predicted let loose an enormous amount of water in Cadiz province just as I was returning from Eastern Germany & Poland. My flight from Berlin to Barcelona was delayed while they found a slot around more autumnal storms that were creeping up from the […]