So we’ve given the Stejneger’s Stonechat at Dungeness three goes. We got a a good soaking got blown away by the wind and then today walked around in freezing conditions. The good news was that today we finally found the bird and enjoyed good views of this very GREY individual. The bird has been the […]
Tag: Great White Egret

Leighton Moss – Egrets and Waders
I hadn’t visited Leighton Moss for many months and I was keen to visit again. Autumn had arrived and thankfully the very high temperatures of the Summer were a distant memory. It promised to be a lovely day as I arrived at the Eric Morecambe hide. There were plenty of birds on show especially the […]

Eurasian Stonechat at Scotney
With the Jims needing Buff-breasted Sandpiper for a tick we headed off down to Dunge this morning. A quick trip down Gallaways gave up nothing of note but we did find six Cattle Egrets at the farm on the reserve. At ARC we had stunning views of a Bittern as it walked around in front […]

Creative twist
This post is about colour. I am in between wildlife trips so I thought it would be interesting to play around with the colour in some of my wildlife images. Rather than change the colour of the subject, I wanted to see what effect it would create if I removed the background colour. Presumably, it […]

Another day at Dungeness
We arrived at first light to find the point covered in thick fog and the fog horn blasting out it’s warning to the ships that couldn’t see the lighthouse. By 7:30am the fog had lifted and we quickly found a couple of Wheatear on the shingle by the fishing boats. An hours sea watch enabled […]

Issy Wheatear and more
Yesterday was my birthday but I couldn’t go birding. So today I cashed in on my birthday credit, and went out with James (AKA The Driver), Dave, Phil and Will to Burnham Overy Dunes. Weather was looking good and we hoped to find Norfolk’s first Sibe Accentor. But when we got there we started complaining […]

The new “blue lagoons”
In the late 1990s Tom Tarrant was birding the Riyadh area and he kept good records which I often compare against today’s findings. He has written about “the blue lagoons”. This was part of the Riyadh river where the habitat is more open than the area around the pivot fields where I normally bird. He […]

Best Photo of the Week Ended 01 Sep 2012
We are pleased to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. Maria Firpi wins First Prize for her artistic creation “The Great White Egret“. Jerry Curtis wins Second Prize with “Having Fun” and Jefferson R. de O. e Silva Third Prize with “Burrowing Owl“. See images below with links […]