It is mid July and the daily average temp’ is around 35-37 deg’ with daily max’ temp raising to 40-42 (and sometime even higher up to 45-47). The nights are short with average temp of 27-29 with daily min’ temp of 22-24 deg andyet, another Summer is going to come to its end soon and […]
Tag: Greater Flamingo
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – continued…
Following my visit to the Rub’ Al-Khali, I returned to Dhahran which would be my base for the next few days. There were a few typical urban birds as well as some others of interest in and around the compound and some of the more open areas. Here is a selection of the common urban […]
Rain Sun Rain
Our newly arrived Red-Rumped Swallows start the task of nest building, feeding as the go. Black-eared Wheatears have been arriving with the lovely male photographed on the 15th. With a backdrop of the Grazalema mountain range Greater Flamingoes create a pink hue across the landscape as they move into feed at Venta La Palma on […]
Blue and Green = Pink?
Blue-green algae and brine shrimp form a major part of the Greater Flamingo’s (Phoenicopterus roseus) diet and are rich in carotenoids. These carotenoids are broken down into pigments which give the pink coloration to the feathers, bill and legs of the flamingo. Obviously, these guys are working off a different colour wheel than the rest […]