Eager viewers across the globe tuned in to watch brown bears fishing for salmon in Katmai National Park yesterday in the lead up to Fat Bear Week, but things took a grizzly turn when two bruins ended up in an on-screen battle to the death. Around 9:30 a.m. on Monday morning, the Kat River View […]
Tag: Grizzly Bear

Heroic hikers miraculously save life of man bitten by grizzly bear – here’s how they came to the rescue
A hiker in Montana’s Glacier National Park is recovering in hospital after the quick thinking of his friends miraculously saved him from a bear attack. On September 19 the 35-year-old and his hiking group were exploring the Highline trail in foggy conditions when they stumbled into the path of a male grizzly. The bear reacted […]

Technicians counting salmon expect to see grizzlies
In the middle of the fast-flowing Chilkoot River, an Alaska state employee sits on a small perch over a narrow, fence-like structure and stares down into the rush of water. Eagles look on from the trees overhead as the river thunders around boulders nearby. The worker’s back is turned to a female grizzly bear creeping […]

Old Growth Logging Challenged in Bitterroot National Forest
The Gold Butterfly logging and burning project, east of Corvallis, Montana, is in wolverine and grizzly bear habitat and bull trout critical habitat in the Sapphire Mountains on the Bitterroot National Forest. The Alliance for the Wild Rockies and Native Ecosystems Council filed a lawsuit on September 9th against the Bitterroot National Forest seeking to […]

Hunters shoot at charging grizzly bear and two cubs, killing the mom, MT officials say
Two hunters shot at a charging grizzly bear and her two cubs in Montana, killing the mom, wildlife officials said. The pair was bowhunting in Tepee Creek, north of West Yellowstone, on Sept. 9, the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks said in a Sept. 13 news release. West Yellowstone is in southwestern Montana, near the […]

Why do sloth bears attack humans? New study links behaviour to tiger defence mechanisms
Ponder the most dangerous bear in the world, and you might naturally think of the mighty polar bear – king of the Arctic and most carnivorous of ursids – or the big and ornery North American grizzly. But the species that actually mauls the most people on average each year? The smaller, galumphing, and far […]

A Montana man shot a grizzly bear during an attack – it saved his life, but here’s why experts say it’s not your best defense
This July, a 72-year-old man was picking huckleberries in Flathead National Forest by himself when he was attacked by a female grizzly bear. He managed to access his handgun, shooting and killing the bear and surviving the encounter with serious injuries. After a summer that brought several high-profile grizzly bear attacks – a veteran who […]

Man kills grizzly bear that attacked him while he was picking huckleberries in Montana
A 72-year-old man shot and killed a grizzly bear that launched an attack on him while he was picking huckleberries, in what has been described by experts as a “surprise defensive encounter.” The man was alone near Columbia Falls in Flathead National Forest lands about two miles (3.2km) north of Columbia Falls when the adult […]