Creative twist

Creative twist

This post is about colour. I am in between wildlife trips so I thought it would be interesting to play around with the colour in some of my wildlife images. Rather than change the colour of the subject, I wanted to see what effect it would create if I removed the background colour. Presumably, it […]

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Big Wings

Big Wings

Just a quick post this time around, folks. This is from my 2010 archives (I’ve got sooo many photos still unprocessed from then until now, so every now and again I dive into the depths of the archives). I captured this photo of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in the Kruger National Park one afternoon. I […]

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Eagles and Harriers

Eagles and Harriers

March seemed to be a good time for Marsh Harriers and Greater Spotted Eagles down in the Dubai Pivot fields. Whilst I am used to seeing many Harriers this time of year, Greater Spotted Eagles are a different story. Whilst fairly common down the road at the Ras Al Khor sanctuary, in my experience this […]

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