On Dec. 6, Iceland‘s caretaker government announced it had issued five-year licenses to hunt fin and minke whales in Icelandic waters. It granted the fin whale hunting license to Hvalur hf., the country’s only remaining fin-whaling company, run by billionaire Kristján Loftsson, and the minke-hunting permit to a ship owned by Tjaldtangi ehf., a whaling […]
Tag: minke whales

Petition: Help Stop Japan’s Hunting of Vulnerable Fin Whales
As Japan‘s whaling killing season begins, the survival of fin whales is at risk. These majestic creatures are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, yet fin whales were added to Japan’s list of targeted species. Now, a massive whaling factory ship has set sail to hunt these gentle giants, and […]

Unusually Large Number of Whales Spotted, Including Multiple Endangered Species, off Northeast U.S. Coasts
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has reported 161 sightings of whales last month, representing seven different whale species. The sightings, recorded on May 25, took place off the northeastern U.S. Coasts, near Martha’s Vineyard and southeast of Nantucket. According to NOAA, the sightings included an unusually high number of whale species, particularly endangered […]

Knobble the Minke Whale
The whale watch operator Sea Life Surveys based on Mull has been covering areas of Hebridean waters since 1982 with the main focus being minke whales which arrive in the summer season to take advantage of the abundant food supplies. Part of Sea Life Surveys’ work, along with taking groups out to experience the fantastic […]