We are delighted to announce the results of our latest photo competition. First Prize is shared between Jackie Downey and Alan de Witt with their outstanding images “Pensive Spots” and “The Rut”. Second Prize goes to Paamul Jack with his breathtaking image “Something Looks Suspicious (Yucatan Panther)”. Please give kudos to the photographers by leaving […]
Tag: Noushka

Results of the Best Photo of the Month October 2020
We are delighted to announce the results of our latest photo competition. Candy McManiman wins First Prize for her outstanding image ‘Cats Like Water’. Tjie Poo wins Second Prize with his breathtaking image “Portrait Horned Puffin’, and Third Prize goes to Bob Swan with “Sisters”. Please give kudos to the photographers by leaving a comment […]

Results of the Best Photo of the Month September 2020
We are delighted to announce the results of our latest photo competition. Eduardo Delgado wins First Prize for his outstanding image ‘Asio Flammeus’. Brian Burnett wins Second Prize with his breathtaking image “Backlit Bear’, and Third Prize goes to Paamul Jack with “Monarchs on a Limb”. Please give kudos to the photographers by leaving a […]

Results of the Best Photo of the Month August 2020
We are delighted to announce the results of our latest photo competition. David DesRochers wins First Prize for his outstanding image ‘Fiery Throated & Rivoli’s Hummingbird’. Noushka Wildlife wins Second and Third Prizes with her breathtaking images “Tiny!’ and ‘Kingfisher in Action!’. Please give kudos to the photographers by leaving a comment and sharing their […]

The Greater Kudu
It is one of the 2 largest antelopes in Africa. It is found in dry savannah wooded with acacia trees from which they feed. Their grey-brown coat lined with light lines conceals them from predators although they are very powerful and can inflict severe wounds and even kill a Wild dog with a hoof kick. […]

The Marsh Harrier Plumage
Le plumage du Busard des roseaux – Circus aeruginosus – La femelle se distingue par une tête très claire variant du blanc au crème soutenu et le reste du corps brun foncé avec une bande claire sur le haut de l’aile. Ce rapace se nourrit de tout animal vivant plus petit que lui. The female […]

Booted eagle
Aigle botté – Aguila calzada, Hieraaetus pennatus, Spain, 2017/08/24, Nikon: D500 + 800 mm f5/6E, This migratory eagle nests in southern Europe and winters in Africa and Asia. With a friend we arrived at the spot very early and he had assured me that the weather report said bright and sunny after a small […]

Little bittern
Ixobrychus minutus – Ardeidae – It is the smallest ardeidae weighing between 60 and 150g. Lives in bedreeds and highly vegetated shores. If it is still listed LC (minor concern) in the status of UICN preservation, it is in severe decline in Europe due to the reduction of the swampy areas: the national population in […]