Dendrocopos major – Picidae – Piciformes – Quite an unusual snow episode in the south of France on this 13th of march 2013. Here, this male was pecking at the tree, casting snow flakes around:
Tag: Noushka

The Great spotted woodpecker
A mouse, a monkey! I wait for him in the morning, he arrives in the afternoon; I expect him on the right; he shows up on the left! As I align the lens on him, he rushes to the right. Anyhow, here he is!

Birds under the snow
Passeriformes – Coccothraustes coccothraustes – Yes, it happens in the south of France too! So I thought it would be nice to try “shooting” our feathered friends with dancing snowflakes!

The Chiffchaff
Phylloscopus collybita – Passeriformes – Phylloscopidae – This bird feeds on insects and their larvae and will also eat fruits. The poor fellow is prey to the Sparrowhawk! This one is a female: Ilse nourrit d’insectes et de leurs larves qu’il fait tomber des branchages, ainsi que de fruits et serait une proie de choix […]

the Red kite’s royal dance
Accipitriformes – Accipitridae – He is so far (about 65 to 70 meters from me) that for a split second I wondered if my eyes were seeing a raptor!With the 500 mm lens I had my confirmation but before taking the first shots, I quickly add the 1/4 convert to reach a focal length of […]

Great Spotted Woodpecker
Dendrocopos major – Piciformes – Picidae – Remarkable facts: This bird is zygdactylous: it has 2 toes turned toward the front and the 2 others toward the back, just as all parrots. Its tong is long, viscous and has many corpuscles and the end is flat and sharp with many small hooks; the bird can […]

Best Photo of the Week Ended 09 Feb 2013
We are pleased to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. Dana Allen wins First Prize for his outstanding photo “Onset of Darkness”. Ron McCombe wins Second Prize with “Capercaillie” and Noushka Lavril wins Third Prize with “Robin (Erithacus rubecula)”. See images below with links to the original articles. […]

European Greenfinch VS Sparrowhawk
Passeriformes – Fringillidae – For a few days I have observed, from the corner of my eye a fairly large bird flying swiftly over and around my tent and above the feeding table making the passerine birds quite nervous. Until today I hadn’t been able to see what it was, but this morning, it settled […]