– Vulpes vulpes – I was seeing this fox once in a while in the garden at different times of the day, mostly at dusk but one morning after coming back from shopping and stuffing my fridge, I saw him right in front of the kitchen door! This time, I thought “he” might be ‘ripe’ […]
Tag: Noushka

Elanus caeruleus – Black-winged kite, the parade
Accipitriformes – Accipitridae With the Nikon 500 mm at arms length from the car. On the first pictures, the bird is hunting. Most of the time it positions itself back to the sun to see its prey better. At the same time, it surveys its territory for intruders such as other birds of prey and […]

Black-tailed godwit
Limosa limosa – Charadriiformes – Scolopacidae – Barge à queue noire – Voici des images faites au Teich dans la seconde moitié d’août. Les migrateurs n’étaient pas encore au rendez-vous mais les oiseaux du coin m’ont régalée. Cette Barge en particulier avec son joli plumage et son reflet presque parfait dans l’eau: Here are photos […]

Common wood pigeon
This bird was about 45 meters from me but with the 500 mm lens plus the converter 1.4, I managed these fairly decent pics, although far from competition quality: Pigeon ramier ou Palombe dans le sud-ouest: Avec une focale de 700 mm (500 mm + convert 1/4) plus l’effet ‘petit capteur’, je suis parvenue à […]

Water rail
The sun has finally decided to shine timidly. If the males screech like pigs being slaughtered this female iss much too busy to attract their attention. She is raising three beautiful black chicks and offers a great show, running back and forth in search of blood worms to feed them. Râle d’eau – – Rallus […]

The Beauty of Blue Tits
Parus caeruleus – No need for words here, just enjoy these cute guys! 🙂 La beauté des Mésanges bleues… Les mâles ont des couleurs nettement marquées par rapport aux femelles, néanmoins ce n’est pas toujours évident de discerner les 2 sexes: Males like this on below have brighter colors than females, nevertheless, it is not […]

European green woodpecker
European green woodpecker – Last pictures of the series I took during the short snow episode that brought me great luck with the Goshawk female hunting a pheasant. These are not pictures you can hope taking easily; since I won’t have another chance at witnessing such a scarce scene, I enjoyed the moment fully… Enough […]

The Northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis
It is the largest of the Accipiter genus; it possesses short and wide wings and a long tail well adapted to flight in the woods. The female is larger measuring between 58 and 64 cms with a wingspan of 108 to 127 cms; She is slaty-blue on the back with greyish underparts and can weigh […]