A cat’s ability to see in as little as one-sixth of the light needed by humans is attributed to a layer on the back of its retina known as the tapetum lucidum or “bright tapestry”. This layer gathers the light and reflects it back like a mirror to the light gathering cells of the eye, […]
Tag: Okavango Delta

Black and White in Motion…
Okavango Delta, Botswana – Dana Allen Photo Safari with Chitabe Camp Nikon D3s. Nikon 200-400 mm. ISO 3200. f 4 @ 1/1500 sec. Lexar Media.

Knee Deep…
If you are a Red Lechwe (Kobus leche) the flood waters of the Okavango are your friend. Not only do these antelope thrive on aquatic plant species but the knee deep marshy water provides them with excellent protection from predators who are unable to match their speed and agility in this aquatic environment. Okavango Delta, […]

Stopped in Her Tracks…
A Leopardess (Panthera pardus) is stopped in her tracks after a wary impala forces her to give up the hunt by alerting the herd to her presence – Okavango Delta, Botswana. © Dana Allen www.photosafari-africa.net www.facebook.com/DanaAllenPhotoSafari With Savuti Camp

A Perfect Ten…
That’s how long, in centimeters, an adult Lion (Panthera leo) canine tooth can become. How long is yours? Just about one and a half centimeters in comparison. Okavango Delta, Botswana.

1,2,3, Jump!
This female leopard (Panthera pardus) shows off her extremely athletic nature by jumping across the channel in front of our boat. With Xigera Camp, Okavango Delta, Botswana.

The Coalition…
Raw power is unleashed on the plains as this coalition of young male Lions (Panthera leo) fends off any and all invaders of their new territory. With Little Vumbura Camp, Okavango Delta, Botswana.