Lead poisoning continues to impact bald eagle populations in Pennsylvania and beyond

Lead poisoning continues to impact bald eagle populations in Pennsylvania and beyond

Reports of bald eagles dying from lead ammunition poisoning continue as populations of the formerly endangered bird soar. Bald eagle exposure to the pesticide DDT caused potential extinction a half century ago. And while the birds are no longer endangered and populations are still increasing, researchers say lead poisoning is taking a chunk of some […]

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Officials warn Northwesterners of shellfish due to contamination with toxin that can paralyze and kill you

Officials warn Northwesterners of shellfish due to contamination with toxin that can paralyze and kill you

Health officials have warned against eating shellfish caught along the cost of the Pacific Northwest due to fears of contamination of a lethal poison that causes paralysis and death. The Washington Department of Health has detected dangerously high levels of a deadly toxin called paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) in clusters of seafood harvested from the […]

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