Scientists Implant Radioactive Material into Horn of Living Rhinoceros to Poison Anyone Who Consumes it.

Scientists Implant Radioactive Material into Horn of Living Rhinoceros to Poison Anyone Who Consumes it.

Warning Horn In an effort to make them useless to poachers, researchers are implanting radioactive isotopes into the horns of rhinos in South Africa. The unusual material would “render the horn useless… essentially poisonous for human consumption,” James Larkin, professor and dean of science at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, told Agence France-Presse. […]

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Nepali experts question rhino relocation within park for population balance

Nepali experts question rhino relocation within park for population balance

KATHMANDU — On March 21, Nepal’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation completed the relocation of six vulnerable one-horned rhinos (Rhinoceros unicornis) from the western part of Chitwan National Park to the eastern side. Department officials initiated the move to rectify the skewed distribution of the animal’s population, which was dominant in and around […]

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