It is mid July and the daily average temp’ is around 35-37 deg’ with daily max’ temp raising to 40-42 (and sometime even higher up to 45-47). The nights are short with average temp of 27-29 with daily min’ temp of 22-24 deg andyet, another Summer is going to come to its end soon and […]
Tag: Robin
Baby Robin !
Last week I found a robin‘s nest in the garden behind my home in Brooklyn. The nest was placed under a lamp, where it was sheltered from rain, heated from the light at night, and supported on a sturdy pole. Clever! I tiptoed out after dark and found a vigilant parent motionless on the edge […]

Summer time
Shachar Shalev (ourKiwi representative) has gone birding over the weekend and the following report shows that it is neverboringaround here. When there are few migrants, there is plenty of time to enjoy some of the region’s very interesting species… I Went out 5:30 in the morning not seriously expecting to find anything. I Started at […]

Migration non-stop
The season proceeds and with it there are evident changes both in the field and at the ringing station.Today we saidgoodbyefor Arnold and Luc from Holland who has been with us for 4 & 2 weeks each. The “DreamTeam” is never going to be the same again… Also there are many new birds which are […]

Sabah Al Ahmad Sea City Kuwait
Sabah Al Ahmad Sea City is a massive project underway in the south of Kuwait very close to the Saudi Arabian border. It is the first of it’s kind in Kuwait and has even been featured as a documentary on BBC. I visit the project a number of times each month to survey the birds […]

Kiwi reports from the Arava…
Over the last few weeksI’vebeen overloaded with guiding, monitoring, managing and in between being a father to my two sons who are enjoying a Passover vacation and a husband to my lovely wife who supports me throughout. This has led to lack of writing time for the blog…YesterdayIreceived a complaining mail from Shacahr Shalev, a […]

Migration resumes
The 7th Eilat Bird Festival is behind us and despite not getting to our usual final checklist of 240 species, we stillmanagedto get a nice assembly of species, some not very commonly seen neither at any of the past festivals nor every spring like these Hill Sparrow,Black Bush Robins &PharaohEagle Owland no less than 3 […]