More proof. A walk-in-the-park really can boost our feelings of well-being – especially when there are wild songbirds along the way!

More proof. A walk-in-the-park really can boost our feelings of well-being – especially when there are wild songbirds along the way!

It’s not exactly news that spending time in nature benefits human health and well-being. But an experiment conducted by social scientists along some mountain trails in Colorado shows – it’s not just the wind in your face or the grandeur of the scenery we need to thank. They hid speakers along two trails in the […]

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Cheery Warblers

Cheery Warblers

Throughout May, my days have been filled with winsome warbles from a bouquet of songbirds. The most difficult songs to identify are the cheery warblers. The Yellow Warbler has decided to stay close to my barn studio and his songs skip along with my fingers while I type. There are plenty of other warblers warbling […]

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Meow mix-up

Meow mix-up

Because the semester was winding down, I wasn’t all that surprised to hear a soft, kittenish mewing coming from the small wedge of remnant wooded habitat between my apartment parking lot and the highway. I used to live in a complex near the Virginia Tech campus and, sadly, it’s common for a new crop of […]

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