Colombia, is one of the countries with the highest biodiversity on the planet, the highest number of animal and plant species per square kilometer anywhere in the world. With 1871 bird species, it has the largest number of bird species of any country on earth, this number continue to rise each year, 74 birds are […]
Tag: warbler

Kiwi reports from the Arava…
Over the last few weeksI’vebeen overloaded with guiding, monitoring, managing and in between being a father to my two sons who are enjoying a Passover vacation and a husband to my lovely wife who supports me throughout. This has led to lack of writing time for the blog…YesterdayIreceived a complaining mail from Shacahr Shalev, a […]

Swallow-tailed Kites Return
Today I found three Swallow-tailed Kites near Jay Blanchard Park (actually in an abandoned horse farm behind my church parking lot). One of them flew pretty close to me. I suppose they’re creatures of habit, since I used to see them last year roosting in a tree right where these were flying. But these weren’t […]

Rare Art Works by John James Audubon at Auction on December 5th Part IV
A rare collection of 82 original, hand-colored engravings of birds and quadrupeds by John James Audubon will come under the hammer in New York on 5th December 2012. “The Birds of America” was published in London between 1827 and 1838 by Robert Havell. Although some items will be purchased by art galleries for public display, […]

The Magical Land of Kutch, India – Birders Paradise – I
Miles and Miles of flat barren cracked land….No trees, no mountains, no streams, just barren emptiness…Imagine that, and you would have imagined paradise. Don’t agree with me, do you? ‘The Little Rann of Kutch’: This barren desolate land is the place to be for bird enthusiasts every winter. I have been visiting and re-visiting this […]

Return Of the Common Yellowthroat ‘NOT’
I had thought the warblers below to be a female Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas) having returned to Flower Hill Farm. Indeed I was wrong in identifying this nimble Nashville Warbler (Vermivora ruficapilla) that was busy gleaning the Crabapple orchard of tiny insects from within a profusion of blossoms. Nashville Warbler in Crabapple exhibiting gray head […]