Todirostrum cinereum

Todirostrum cinereum

A droll little bird, with almost perpetually cocked,wagging tail. Nest a trashy little bag suspended from twig; side entrance and long dangling tail complete disguise. Hops and flutters about, pauses to look up, draws a bead on small insects, then darts up lightening quick in a sally-strike to snap them from beneath leaves (Hilty).

I phographed this bird in Misiones, East Argentina, nesting close to a small river at eye level.

Nikon D300 500 mm f 5 1/1250 ISO 800 tripod

Todirostrum cinereum

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Jose Garcia Allievi

Ing. en electronica, recibido en la Universidad del Sur en Bahia Blanca. Casado tres hijos, trabajé en la industria petrolera por 38 años.Gusto de la fotografía de aves, en especial picaflores. Comencé a fotografiar aves en los ultimos meses en Venezuela y Brasil donde participé de un workshop de fotografia de aves en Ubatuba con el profesor Joao Quental. Miembro de AUDUBON Venezuela y Aves Argentinas


Jose Garcia Allievi

Pepe Garcia Allievi (67) graduated at Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina as electronic engineer. Married, three sons, he worked in the oil service industry for almost 40 years. Amateur photographer most of his life, after retired, he focused on wildlife and nature photography in Latin America. He attended to nature photo & edition workshops dictated by Joao Quental and Octavio Salles in Brasil. Member of AUDUBON Venezuela and Aves Argentinas Buenos Aires. He lives part time between San Isidro, Buenos Aires and Villa la Angostura, Neuquen, South Argentina.

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