Waders, Winterers and residents – Sabkhat Al Fasl

Waders, Winterers and residents – Sabkhat Al Fasl

My last trip to Sabkhat Al Fasl produced a number of waders of various species including the highest number of Marsh Sandpipers I have seen for a while. Most waders were Dunlins with good numbers of Common Ringed Plover scattered amongst them.

A few smart plumaged Kentish Plovers were feeding around the shoreline and a single Grey Plover was also present. Waders seen inland included Green Sandpiper and Common Snipe. Wintering species seen included good numbers of Greater Spotted Eagles and Western Marsh Harriers and a single Water Rail although others were heard calling from the reed beds.

A few European Stonechats, plenty of Water Pipits and White Wagtails plus several Bluethroats were all seen along the edges to the reed beds. Squacco Herons were still around in good numbers as were Grey Herons and a singe Purple Heron was located in amongst them.

Three species of Kingfisher were also seen including Common Kingfisher, Pied Kingfisher and White-breasted Kingfisher and good numbers of Grey-headed Swamphens made up the good birds seen.

Waders, Winterers and residents – Sabkhat Al Fasl
Marsh Sandpiper
Common Ringed Plover
Common Ringed Plover
Grey Plover
Grey Plover
Common Snipe
Common Snipe
Greater Spotted Eagle1
Greater Spotted Eagle
European Stonechat
European Stonechat
Pied Kingfisher male
Pied Kingfishers
Pied Kingfisher male1
Pied Kingfishers
Pied Kingfishers
Pied Kingfishers
Water Rail
Water Rail
Squacco Heron
Squacco Heron
Grey headed Swamphen
Grey-headed Swamphen
Grey headed Swamphen1
Grey-headed Swamphen


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Jem Babbington

Jem Babbington

Jem Babbington is a keen birder and amateur photographer located in Dhahran, Eastern Saudi Arabia where he goes birding every day. Jem was born in England and is a serious local patch and local area birder who has been birding for almost forty years and has birded in more than fifty countries. Jem is learning to ring birds in Bahrain as a perfect way to learn more about the birds of the area. Saudi Arabia is a very much under-watched and under-recorded country.

Jem Babbington

Jem Babbington

Jem Babbington is a keen birder and amateur photographer located in Dhahran, Eastern Saudi Arabia where he goes birding every day. Jem was born in England and is a serious local patch and local area birder who has been birding for almost forty years and has birded in more than fifty countries. Jem is learning to ring birds in Bahrain as a perfect way to learn more about the birds of the area. Saudi Arabia is a very much under-watched and under-recorded country.

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