Yellowstone’s Harlequin Ducks

Yellowstone’s Harlequin Ducks

Yellowstone’s Harlequin Ducks
Harlequin Duck at LeHardy Rapids, Yellowstone National Park

Typically Harlequin Ducks are found in coastal waters but in the spring they do migrate inland. Yellowstone National Park is thought of as being the southern most inland area where you can find them. Harlequins prefer fast moving water, which makes LeHardy Rapids an ideal spot to find them. But, timing is everything. This section of the Park opens in early May and by the end of the May the Harlequins disappear. These photos where taken on May 20 and the numbers were down to one pair, plus a lone female. Five pairs were reported just a few days earlier and before that there had been many more. For photography the best time is between 2 and 4 in the afternoon to get the best light.

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Harlequin Duck at LeHardy Rapids, Yellowstone National Park

If you are going to be in Yellowstone during May (the earlier the better) to sure to look for the Harlequins at LeHardy Rapids.

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Harlequin Duck at LeHardy Rapids, Yellowstone National Park

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Harlequin Ducks at LeHardy Rapids, Yellowstone National Park

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Harlequin Duck at LeHardy Rapids, Yellowstone National Park

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Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

Don Getty

Don Getty

Don Getty has been an avid wildlife photographer for over 20 years. He resides in Wyoming, just 30 miles from Yellowstone Park. He photographs birds, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Wildlife photography has taken him throughout the Rocky Mountain region of the US and Canada, East Africa, South Africa, Costa Rica, Florida and Churchill Manitoba. He has received numerous awards and his images have appeared in many magazines, books and calendars.

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