Spring has truly sprung in Kuwait and the the diversity and migrants heading north is amazing and always appreciated, more so because many birds are already sporting their breeding colours.
The White Wagtails that were present all winter, have now given way to an array of Yellow Wagtails in a variety of sub-species. In Kuwait we have recorded 7 sub-species and it is interesting to note that the first to normally arrive is the Black-headed Wagtail (Motacilla f. feldegg)
This is a 1st year Black-headed coming into adult plumage
These are followed shortly after bySyke’s Wagtail(Motacilla f. beema)
Here a young Syke’s that will slowly have it’s green crown replaced by grey
Once these two are settled, a few other additions arrive. This year Yellow-headed Wagtail (Motacilla f. lutea), which looks very striking from close and afar
Was just ahead of the Grey-headed Wagtails (Motacilla f. thunbergi)
Other sub-species that are recorded here are White-headed (Motacilla f. leucocephala) which was seen and photographed only yesterday by a fellow birder and then the more scarcer Eastern Black-headed Wagtail (Motacilla f. ‘melanogrisea’) and Blue-headed Wagtails (Motacilla flava flava).
Of course we have a smattering of Citrine Wagtails and bigger numbers of the elegant Grey Wagtail in amongst the masses of Yellow Wagtails and they truly do add a splash of bright colour to the desert, parks, sidewalks and reserves in this land of sand.

Michael Pope
A South African ex-pat who currently resides in Kuwait with his family since October 2006 and maintains a full time job as an IT Project Manager delivering and implementing projects in Kuwait and the GCC. An avid naturalist with an interest in wildlife and conservation that started early in his schooling when he was selected to spend a week in Londolozi Game Reserve learning about Conservation and Game Ranger principals. That week had a profound impact, the seed was sown and a passion for birds, photography, wildlife, biodiversity and conservation was instilled. He has travelled and explored the length and breadth of South and Southern Africa in search of birds, Aside from birds, he photographs landscapes, mammals, reptiles and just about any living creature he can get in front of his lens. Since arriving in Kuwait has also explored many other countries expanding his list and knowledge. In Kuwait his passion for birding, photography and highlighting the need for conservation and protection of migratory birds has continued and this is showcased on his Kuwait Birding Blog http://kuwaitbirding.blogspot.com/) . In early 2008 he was proposed as and still is Chairman of Kuwait Ornithological Records Committee. However, a personal achievement of his birding tenure in Kuwait is Co-editor for the milestone publication of “Birds of Kuwait – A Comprehensive Visual Guide” in collaboration with BioDiversity East and KUFPEC.
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