Sometimes the most common subject might give you an amazing sighting, if you are aware and patient. That is what happened to us, one warm morning in the Kabini Tiger Reserve. We were heading towards the gates to exit the national park when we spotted three Langurs sitting in the middle of the road. We […]
Author: Thomas Suresh Anand

Morning Safari in Kabini
Kabini Tiger Reserve on the backwaters of Kabini river is a haven for wildlife and is one for the post popular wildlife parks in India. We went on a morning safari and came back refreshed with some amazing portraits, as always. At first, we were confronted by this massive Tusker that blocked our road for […]

Leopard on a rock in Bandipur
Sighting a Leopard on a rock is always so exciting. We were about to start our safari into Bandipur National Park and just before we ventured into the forest, we heard Spotted Deer alarm calls right beside the national highway running through the park. Soon someone spotted a Leopard at the edge of the Lantana […]

African Lion vs Cape Buffalo in Maasai Mara contd…
In case you haven’t checked out the first part of this interesting tussle between the African Lion and the Cape Buffaloes, you can read about it here. When the Lion realised that the Buffaloes are getting too close for comfort, it got up and walked straight towards us and hid in the trench nearby. The […]

Courting Wild Dogs in Bandipur
During this trip to Bandipur we sighted many birds, including one of the elusive raptors – the Black Eagle, that is said to be rarer than Tigers. Some of the birds that we saw, we shared them in the previous post on Birding in Bandipur. If you are on the lookout, sometimes even the common […]

African Lion vs Cape Buffalo in Maasai Mara
We started our morning game drive in Maasai Mara with the amazing sighting of the African Elephant, which accidentally came our way when we went looking for the Leopard, that we had sighted the previous evening. We then headed towards the area where we had seen the African Lion brothers feasting on the Cape Buffalo […]

Friendly Oriental Honey Buzzard in Tadoba
On this safari into Tadoba Tiger Reserve’s core zone, we reached the territory of the Tigress, popularly known as Choti Tara, in anticipation of another display by her cubs. While we patiently waited for the cubs to show up, a Oriental Honey Buzzard flew in and perched on a dead tree not far from us […]

Birding in Bandipur
Bandipur National Park is almost home considering the fact that it is less than 4 hours drive from Bangalore. On this trip to Bandipur, our first couple of safari yielded a rich harvest of bird portraits. Here are a few birds that caught our attention. The common Bushchat looking right at us while it was […]