Courting Wild Dogs in Bandipur

Courting Wild Dogs in Bandipur

During this trip to Bandipur we sighted many birds, including one of the elusive raptors – the Black Eagle, that is said to be rarer than Tigers.

Some of the birds that we saw, we shared them in the previous post on Birding in Bandipur.

Courting Wild Dogs in Bandipur
Courting Wild Dogs in Bandipur

Black Eagle in Bandipur

Rose ringed Parakeet in Bandipur

If you are on the lookout, sometimes even the common birds give you a not so common sighting.

This is exactly what happened with the Rose-ringed Parakeet feeding its offspring.

The frozen in time Brown Fish-Owl is always a welcome spotting.

Brown Fish Owl in Bandipur

Wild Dog in Bandipur 2

Finally, coming to the feature subject of this post – the Asian Wild Dogs, commonly known as Dhole.

We spotted a small pack of three Dholes and got close to them. We directed our attention to the Alpha pair.

While the Alpha female looked at us through the tall grass, the dominant male kept his gaze focussed on us and at one point, he made clear his displeasure of our presence which we captured in our feature image.

Wild Dog in Bandipur 1


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Thomas Suresh Anand

Wildlife in India, experience in pictures - Walk the Wilderness - A blog on wildlife in India where we share our experiences in the various national parks through wildlife photos


Thomas Suresh Anand

Wildlife in India, experience in pictures - Walk the Wilderness - A blog on wildlife in India where we share our experiences in the various national parks through wildlife photos

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