Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria), Eastern Austria

Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria), Eastern Austria








Barred Warbler (Sylvia nisoria), Eastern Austria
The Barred Warbler is the biggest of the Sylvia warblers
Barred Warbler in the rain 7116
Here in Eastern Austria there is always the chance to hear them….
Barred Warbler singing 7021
…but it’s not that easy to photograph them, well for me anyhow!
Barred Warbler 6977
Although the weather was pouring with rain I came across a singing bird….
Barred Warbler 7085
…and managed a few photos of this for me, often an elusive little bird

Barred Warbler 7681


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Stephen Daly

Stephen Daly

Stephen Daly, has been birding since he was eight years old in his native Scotland. After living in Germany and France he established Andalucian Guides the successful birding and wildlife tour company on The Strait of Gibraltar in Spain and has been living here since 2001. Photographing birds in flight is one passion and his photos can be found in many books, magazines and journals. Studying bird behaviour and bird migration are two other positive aspects of being based on one of the busiest migration routes on Earth.

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