A Bestiary: Songbirds ~ Black-throated Green Warbler

A Bestiary: Songbirds ~ Black-throated Green Warbler

‘A Bestiary . . . Tales from a Wildlife Garden’ continues with the gregarious Black-throated Green Warbler Setophaga virens. Each spring this small songbird returns to our wildlife habitat within the foothills of the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts. There are more photos and stories of my encounters with this warbler over at Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens.

A Bestiary: Songbirds ~ Black-throated Green Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler (Setophaga virens)

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A Bestiary: Warblers

Featured above are six warblers that share our habitat in Western Massachusetts. The Chestnut-sided Warbler, Common Yellow-throat, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Magnolia Warbler and Black-throated Green Warbler have all so far taken their perch in my ‘A Bestiary’ there will be more to come . . .

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Carol Duke

Carol Duke

Carol Duke is an artist and farmer who has worked with the land on a Western Massachusetts hillside for over thirty years. During this time her land has evolved into a diverse wildlife habitat. Carol features the flora and fauna that live and visit her farm on her blog http://flowerhillfarm.blogspot.com/ As vital wildlife habitats are destroyed daily, Carol hopes to inspire others to garden for wildlife, while becoming activists for wild places the world over. Her nature photography has appeared in magazines, books and newspapers.

Carol Duke

Carol Duke

Carol Duke is an artist and farmer who has worked with the land on a Western Massachusetts hillside for over thirty years. During this time her land has evolved into a diverse wildlife habitat. Carol features the flora and fauna that live and visit her farm on her website and blog http://caroldukeflowers.com As vital wildlife habitats are destroyed daily, Carol hopes to inspire others to garden for wildlife, while becoming activists for wild places the world over. Her nature photography has appeared in magazines, books and newspapers.

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