This morning I drove out to Brumley Rd looking for birds to add to my year list.
Top on my list were Summer Tanager (missed), Red-eyed Vireo (found), and Yellow-throated Vireo (found).
But perhaps the best moment of the morning was when this Crested Caracara flew up on a fence post. It was so close, I pretty much could only get the whole bird in the frame when its head was facing to the left.
So this is just about a full frame shot. I cropped a little bit of the barbed wire from the bottom of the frame, but that’s about it.

Scott Simmons
Scott Simmons, based in Florida, is a lover of nature, landscape, and wildlife photography. Scott became interested in photography in 2001 when he was given his first SLR camera. When he acquired a telephoto lens, he became progressively more interested in birds and other wildlife. Scott enjoys learning about bird habitats and behavior, striving always to take images that are both beautiful and interpretive. Scott believes photography is a great vehicle to help others to appreciate the wonder for the stuff of earth.
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