Don’t Prejudge A Cloudy Winter Day

Don’t Prejudge A Cloudy Winter Day

When I looked out the window early this morning I was discouraged by the sight of piled up snow and grey skies.

I decided to take a pass on birding for the day and headed to the local diner for breakfast but tossed my birding gear into my trunk just in case I had a change of heart.

After breakfast I decided to take a ride down to the shore just to have a quick look around. I took my camera out to snap a picture of a Hooded Merganser that had his bill tucked in.

I was happy to see that there was just enough light to get some bird photos.

I found a nice flock of Horned Lark picking through piles of sticks and dirt protruding though the snow. I only spent about an hour at the shore but was able to add Brant, Horned Grebe, and Black Scoter to my year list.

Just as I was about to arrive home I noticed a large number of ducks down in the brownstone quarries. Not surprisingly, most of them were mallards. What I didn’t expect was seeing over 20 Wood Ducks swimming near the shoreline. I rarely see them here and certainly wouldn’t expect to find them here in the middle of February!

I almost didn’t make it out the door this morning but was glad I made the effort. I saw birds that I didn’t expect to see, was able to get a few photos, and the temperature was fairly comfortable for this time of the year.


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Larry Nichols

Larry Nichols

Married, I am not a casual weekend birder,-still learning-still making mistakes. I am not a writer or photographer but enjoy blogging about my outdoor adventures. I am currently using a Canon PowerShot SX50 HS camera, Meopta Meostar 8x42 binoculars, and a vortex spotting scope. The Name Brownstone Birding Blog comes from the fact that I in which Portland has been known for its brownstone quarries for many years. Much of the brownstone used for older buildings in New York came from the town of Portland.

Larry Nichols

Larry Nichols

Married, I am not a casual weekend birder,-still learning-still making mistakes. I am not a writer or photographer but enjoy blogging about my outdoor adventures. I am currently using a Canon PowerShot SX50 HS camera, Meopta Meostar 8x42 binoculars, and a vortex spotting scope. The Name Brownstone Birding Blog comes from the fact that I in which Portland has been known for its brownstone quarries for many years. Much of the brownstone used for older buildings in New York came from the town of Portland.

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