Feisty Egrets

Feisty Egrets

Here’s a lovely snowy egret with gold feet on display and plumes blowing in the wind. It’s in a great fishing spot near the outflow from a water gate at one of the ponds at Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge in Oceanville, New Jersey.

It’s a spot worth defending, apparently, and any unwary egret that gets too close gets chased.

The one on the right lookscowed,doesn’t it? “OK OK — I’m going already!”



But egret #2 did not move fast enough and ended up getting a kwok-yelling, wing-beating, flying jump directed at him.
Then a couple of others showed up and got the same treatment. “Go on, get out of here!”
Ok. Alone at last. Back to fishing.
Until the next interloper arrived!
There were interludes of unexpected synchronized flying. Very nice!
Then finally alone again. This bird looks to me like it would grumble if it could. I’ll bet more challengers showed up after I left.


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Julie Feinstein

Julie Feinstein

I am a Collection Manager at the American Museum of Natural History, an author, and a photographer. I live in New York City. I recently published my first popular science book, Field Guide to Urban Wildlife, an illustrated collection of natural history essays about common animals. I update my blog, Urban Wildlife Guide, every Sunday.

Julie Feinstein

Julie Feinstein

I am a Collection Manager at the American Museum of Natural History, an author, and a photographer. I live in New York City. I recently published my first popular science book, Field Guide to Urban Wildlife, an illustrated collection of natural history essays about common animals. I update my blog, Urban Wildlife Guide, every Sunday.

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