Help Document “Vulnerable” Bird Species for your Country

Help Document “Vulnerable” Bird Species for your Country

Of the 9,934 extant bird species in the world 2,193 (22%) are threatened with extinction and are priorities for urgent conservation (Reference: 2012 IUCN Red List).

In the “Vulnerable” category 727 species face a high risk of extinction in the wild. Loss of habitat is one of the biggest causes, but there is also an urgent need to increase people’s awareness and to change attitudes towards nature and the environment.

Our Species Champions are documenting the world’s “threatened” bird species by creating galleries enriched with photographs, video files, audio files and factsheets.

  • CR: Critically Endangered (197 species)

  • EN: Endangered (389 species)

  • VU: Vulnerable (727 species)

  • NT: Near Threatened (880 species)

Help Document “Vulnerable” Bird Species for your Country
Black-masked Finch Coryphaspiza melanotis – Photo by Jefferson Silva
poospiza cinerea sao roque de minas 21 04 2012 img 13208 2
Cinereous Warbling Finch Poospiza cinerea – Photo by Jefferson Silva
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Greater Prairie-chicken Tympanuchus cupido – Photo by Frank Comisar
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Secretarybird Sagittarius serpentarius – Photo by Mike Barth
white naped crane grus vipio john a wright 7675
White-naped Crane Grus vipio – Photo by John Andrew Wright

If you have photographed any of these 2,193 “threatened” species and would like to become a Species Champion, please confirm your interest by completing the form below. You will immediately receive confirmation of your registration by email.

[wp-members page=”register”]

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Ken Billington

Ken Billington

Ken, a scientist by training held various management positions in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries during his professional career, enabling him to travel extensively throughout Europe, the Americas, North Africa, Asia and Japan. Ken has always been a keen photographer and bought his first telephoto lens 10 years ago. This was the beginning of his interest in bird photography. Since then he has also become an active supporter of birding and wildlife conservation.

Ken Billington

Ken Billington

Ken, a scientist by training held various management positions in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries during his professional career, enabling him to travel extensively throughout Europe, the Americas, North Africa, Asia and Japan. Ken has always been a keen photographer and bought his first telephoto lens 10 years ago. This was the beginning of his interest in bird photography. Since then he has also become an active supporter of birding and wildlife conservation.

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