New Year’s Resolution!

New Year’s Resolution!

Having not posted a blog for a year so I thought it was about time I get back into the swing of blogging.

So my New Year’s resolution is to do just that ! If I can remember how to do it of course !

Here’s a few images to get us going. I had a wonderful trip to Ethiopia during 2014, so here is a selection of Kingfishers from that trip.



IMG 1538

Half-collared Kingfisher (Alcedo semitorquata)

IMG 1537

Half-collared Kingfisher (Alcedo semitorquata)

IMG 0738

African Dwarf-kingfisher (Ispidina lecontei)

IMG 0785

African Dwarf-kingfisher (Ispidina lecontei)

IMG 0758

Pied Kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)


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Mike Barth

Mike Barth

Mike Barth, a photographer from Manchester England, was based in Dubai in the UAE from 2004 to 2016. He has travelled regularly to Africa and Asia and has had the pleasure of birding in some wonderful locations. A passionate bird photographer he now offers tours for small groups, maximum of 6, photographers and offers photographic tours to several locations such as Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana. Please visit his site at for information, there you can also purchase prints in various formats.

Mike Barth

Mike Barth

Mike Barth, a photographer from Manchester England, was based in Dubai in the UAE from 2004 to 2016. He has travelled regularly to Africa and Asia and has had the pleasure of birding in some wonderful locations. A passionate bird photographer he now offers tours for small groups, maximum of 6, photographers and offers photographic tours to several locations such as Sri Lanka, India, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana. Please visit his site at for information, there you can also purchase prints in various formats.

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