Oslo in a nutshell

Oslo in a nutshell

I took in quite a few of Oslo’s best localities today in chilly temperatures but without the rain that was forecast and with few new birds. Maridalen had 3 Lapwings in the morning but 6 by the afternoon which were stood on the ice – hopefully these (and more to come) will breed in the Dale. A pair of Sparrowhawks were displaying and showing off the size difference between the sexes.

The Great Grey Shrike was still present and 6 Mistle Thrushes were feeding together with a flock of 9 Long-tailed Tits close by. At Østensjøvannet lots of Black-headed Gulls were back although I couldn’t find any Med Gulls among them but hope one or more will turn up later in the spring. I did have my first Moorhen of the year which was a bird ringed in Stavanger plus a couple of Great Crested Grebes.

Bygdøy held a flock of 90 Starlings but little else of note. Fornebu had Ringed Plover, Water Rail, Shelduck, Redwing and Hawfinch. Temperatures tonight are supposed to gown below zero with rain forecast tomorrow – expect it will be warm and sunny then.

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displaying Sparrowhawks (spurvehauk). The smaller male is easy to see
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still only a small area of open water at Østensjøvannet but lots of birds
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Lapwings (vipe) on the ice in Maridalen
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calling Long-tailed Tit (stjertmeis)

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it looks like this bird has got stuck on a twig but I don’t think that was the case

And a series of pictures of twigs with birds spoiling the background

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Stock Dove (skogdue)
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Hawfinch (kjernebiter)


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Simon Rix

Simon Rix

Simon Rix is an English Birder who has lived in Oslo, Norway since 2001. Birding has been his passion since primary school and after an education as an economist and career within oil and gas and then drinks industry he turned his attention full time to birds as middle age approached. He is particularly interested in patch birding and migration and is an active guide, blogger and photographer. He is a member of the Norwegian Rarities Committee (NSKF).

Simon Rix

Simon Rix

Simon Rix is an English Birder who has lived in Oslo, Norway since 2001. Birding has been his passion since primary school and after an education as an economist and career within oil and gas and then drinks industry he turned his attention full time to birds as middle age approached. He is particularly interested in patch birding and migration and is an active guide, blogger and photographer. He is a member of the Norwegian Rarities Committee (NSKF).

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