Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 07 Sep 2013

Results of the Best Photo of the Week Ended 07 Sep 2013

We are delighted to announce the RESULTS of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. First Prize is awarded toHoward Cheek for his outstanding image ‘Hang Time’ (Leopard Frog)’.Keith Bannister wins Second Prize for’Angry Kingfisher’ and Third Prize goes toGlenn Perrigo for’Striped Skunk and Kitten’ (see images below). The voting for all entries […]

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Efter en kall morgon 130903 -1C så blev morgonen 130904 varm med 10C och dis/dimma och mycket fukt i luften detta medförde att fåglarna inte var på hugget så det fick bli kvalitet istället, så en blåhake (ung hanne) från norr blev dagens höjdpunkt. Detta var en ny märkart för mig och Eckerns märkplats. Nu […]

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Summer Wildlife in Japan

Summer Wildlife in Japan

For many people, Japan conjures up images of high technology, fast-paced modern cities, ancient temples and shrines, unique cuisine and intriguing traditions; but Japan is also well worth visiting for its wildlife, particularly during the summer months when escaping from the hot sweltering cities to the cooler, refreshing countryside is rewarding in itself. Not only […]

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