Stolen snack

Stolen snack

Otro caso de lucha por el alimento, en esta ocasión un grupo de biguás (Phalacrocorax olivaceus) se estaba disputando la presa obtenida por uno de ellos hasta que la prescencia de esta Garza mora (Ardea cocoi) terminó con el pleito. Simplemente les arrebató el premio y se dedicó al consumir el banquete mientras los biguás […]

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New arrivals…

New arrivals…

Like every year this time is very thrilling. Each day brings its surprises and there are plenty of new birds throughout and also a growing number of birders aretravellingaround and bring more updates from the field. Last weekend, the IBRCE ringing station has started its season operation and we have 2 new volunteers – Markus […]

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