First of all a Happy New Year to all my readers!We were away for quite a while this holiday period and I was in need of some birding at my local patch, La Janda. Every month of the year there is continual migration through our area and change is apparent almost on a weekly basis.The […]
A Large Grey Area…
Developing a strategy to preserve wildlife corridors across political borders is of great importance to keeping elephant and other wildlife populations healthy, and viable. The Kavango Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) is helping to establish protocols between the countries of Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Angola and Namibia to sustainably manage this precious ecosystem. This will […]
Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides)
Every year since 2010 I have been photographing the Iceland Gulls that spend the winter in the parking lot at Plymouth Harbor, Massachusetts.
A wild day at Sebkhat al Fasl, Jubail
My visit to Sebkhet al Fasl, Jubail on Thursday afternoon was a cool and windy one. It was also wet in the sense that the water level was at least 50 cm higher than during my first visit a few months ago. The picture below is not the open sea. It is part of the […]
A Red-breasted Sapsucker Drilling Sap Wells
It’s really important to learn bird behavior if you want to get good bird photographs (click on photos for full sized images). I saw a post on Facebook the other day questioning “whether you can be a “birder” with a camera rather than with binoculars.” There were some pretty interesting remarks to this question and, […]
Northern Territory Road trip (Part II – Western MacDonnell Ranges)
Western MacDonnell Ranges is a chain of mountain ranges west of Alice Springs. This mountain range contains a number of spectacular gaps and gorges that can be explored via Mereenie loop. All major attractions have camping sites that provide a convenient base from which to explore the area. Like most gorges in the West MacDonnell […]
‘A Bestiary’ ~ Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)
I have been very fortunate to have a few wonderful encounters and sightings of these large woodpeckers. They have now joined with other beasts in my fourteenth installment of ‘A Bestiary’ posted over at Native Plants and Wildlife Gardens. You can see more photos of these and other Pileated Woodpeckers and the stories that go […]