Esta fue otra de las especies que pudimos volver a registrar después de mucho tiempo ya que pasaron muchas salidas de campo desde aquella del primero de Mayo del año 2010 cuando fuimos por primera vez a observar aves al paraje Nemesio Parma en la zona del destacamento de la Prefectura Naval Argentina y la […]
My 2012 in Review
Can you believe we are sitting in the year 2013 already? Every year feels like it’s a flyer, but to me personally, 2012 felt like it went by quicker than any previous year. It’s obviously a factor of how busy you are and how much you enjoy every day of your life – if you […]
Best Photo of the Week Ended 05 Jan 2013
We are pleased to announce the winners of our most recent “Best Photo of the Week” Competition. Walter Baliero wins First Prize for his outstanding photo “Elaenia Albiceps Chilensis”. John Andrew Wright wins Second Prize with “White-naped Cranes at Dawn” and Glenn Bartley wins Third Prize with “Andean Avocet”. See images below with links to […]
Turkey Vultures Deserve More Respect
The Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) is probably one of the most misunderstood birds in North America. Some people think they are ugly, but not I.
Marl Bed Flats, 1/7/2013
I took my point and shoot with me to Marl Bed Flats this morning, but the lighting was pretty poor until I began to head back to my car. The above photo was from the trail back to the parking lot. It was a little contrasty, but since Canon’s S100 lets you shoot RAW images, […]
Damita – Rufous-backed Negrito (Lessonia rufa)
Me presento, me llamo Daniel Vago, soy de Argentina, y este es mi primer post. La foto que les muestro a continuación fué tomada en San Martín de los Andes, provincia de Neuquén, en el área Tromen del Parque Nacional Lanín. Se trata de un Sobrepuesto (hembra), Rufous-backed Negrito (Lessonia rufa). La luz reinante no […]
Bolivia Trip Report Part V
Bolivia is an extremely diverse country when it comes to birds. In fact, some say that if it wasn’t land-locked it would have more species than any other country. Endemism is not especially high but there are some stunners to search for such as the Red-fronted Macaw and Black-hooded Sunbeam. The country lacks a field […]
Ponce Inlet, 1/1/2013
Yesterday morning I took my daughter and my parents to Ponce Inlet for some fun at the beach. Since I was primarily being a dad, I didn’t do much birding, but I did bring my camera and I did scan the horizon some to see what may be flying by. I was hoping to get […]