Jumping Lichen Spider?

Jumping Lichen Spider?

Over the past couple of weeks I have been seeing a curious-looking spider hanging horizontally and upside-down, paralleling a branch and suspended along a single line of silk. This posture was exclusively nocturnal and suggested the spider was hoping to attract insects that rest upon silken threads. With legs flexed , the overfall appearance (under […]

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Western Scrub-Jays Bring Their Young to the Pond

Western Scrub-Jays Bring Their Young to the Pond

Western Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma californica) photo by Larry Jordan TheWestern Scrub-Jay(Aphelocoma californica) is a non-migratory bird belonging to the more than 120 species of Corvids, considered the mostintelligent of all birds. Click on photos for full sized images. They inhabit scrub and dry woodlands of predominately oak and piñion pine but also suburban habitats in western […]

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Het Twiske

Het Twiske

Zoals gezegd zou ik een weblog schrijven over het Twiske, uiteraard voorzien van een aantal foto’s van het gebied. De eerste keer dat ik daar kwam viel me al direct de grote hoeveelheid konijnen op. Die waren er gelukkig ook de tweede keer nog in grote getalen aanwezig. Niet alleen de “normaal”-gekleurde konijnen maar ook […]

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