2 Days in Nairobi (Day 2)

2 Days in Nairobi (Day 2)

OK, long time between blogs but been busy, busy, busy…… been travelling including Pakistan, no chance to go photographing birds though unfortunately! Karachi must hold the biggest population of Black Kite in the world. Literally thousands rise into the late afternoon skies. Anyway I digress this is a little account of my 2nd day in […]

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Stop Apache Alaska from Launching Airgun Attack on Cook Inlet’s Endangered Beluga Whales

Stop Apache Alaska from Launching Airgun Attack on Cook Inlet’s Endangered Beluga Whales

Beluga Whale (Delphinapterus leucas) photo by Brian J. Skerry The Beluga Whale, commonly called the White Whale, is a marine mammal living in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic areas of the world. From a conservation perspective, the beluga is considered “near threatened” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature; however the subpopulation from the Cook […]

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