Back to La Janda

Back to La Janda

Aplogies for the delay in writing my updates but I have been extremely busy tour leading during May. I flew to Corsica at the beginning of the month and had a great tour with friends on this fantastic Mediterranean island. (I’ll post photos and a trip report of this tour later). From Corsica I flew […]

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Stewart Island Robin, Petroica australis rakiura

Stewart Island Robin, Petroica australis rakiura

Stewart Island Robin, (toutouwai) Stewart Island Robin [flowplayer src=’′ width=640 height=480 splashend=show splash=’’ autoplay=false] Stewart Island Robins are yet another New Zealand species to have suffered the depradations of introduced rats. Nesting as they do so close to or even on the ground, their habit of just dropping the fecal sac over the side of […]

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