Hi folks. So, I was one of the first South African photographers to sign up for Google+ in the days when it was still in Beta mode. I have to admit I didn’t do much on that network for a while…though I did make a post here and there it took me a while to […]
Emperor of the Glade
Searching out rumors of light, a Night Heron slips past evening’s commotion, ignoring the hot and confused air, emperor of the glade. • Yellow-crowned Night Heron | Nyctanassa violacea
Tricolored Heron in Breeding Plumage
Some images remind me of the wonderful day I had when I created a certain image, this photo of a Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) in breeding plumage photographed at the north beach of Fort De Soto, Florida is one of those files. On the day I photographed this heron there was a sea fog that […]
Kaka (Nestor meriodionalis)
Stewart Island, New Zealand morning kaka New Zealand has only 3 parrot species, and all have characteristics which make each quite unique. On Stewart Island we miss out on the Kea, or Alpine Parrot, and the Kakapo is found only on Codfish Island off the North West Coast of the Island. It is extremly rare, […]
Inside the Dinosaur Bird – The Australian Cassowary
If you missed seeing the video post on “Southern Cassowary – Survival Depends on Our Actions” – after Cyclone Larry in 2006 the following video gives you a different insight. Inside Nature’s Giants series, delivers an interesting gaze of the physiological links and special features of this modern bird – The Australian Cassowary.
Brewer’s Blackbird’s Displaying and Nesting
While out on Antelope Island State Park on Friday I spotted a male Brewer’s Blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus) on top of a bush, the light was just great for viewing and photographing the iridescent teals, blues, greens and purples that can show up on these “black” birds. I was even more tickled when the blackbird started […]
Coot Free-Fight
During a great part of the year coots can be very social and you can find them living together peacefully in larger flocks. In the breeding season however, they are very territorial and they are chasing away all other coots, and other waterbirds, out of their territory. This time I was at the right place/time […]