The Spotted-tailed quoll, the largest surviving carnivorous marsupial mammal currently living in mainland Australia. Endangered with few as 500 individuals possibly known to be only in existence, we investigate their secretive and short life span of three years in their remote and extremely isolated populations amongst the cloud forests of the North Queensland Wet Tropics. […]
Author: Alberto

The Million Dollar Question – How Many Platypuses?
It will be erroneous to presume that platypuses are abundant, in fact there is no current number to date that could confirm a realistic population number, but only the vast large estimates between 10 thousand to 100 thousand platypuses may be in existence. Counting platypus, or platypuses is a very difficult task, even trying to […]

Chew your meat, you Panthera leo
“We Bought a Zoo (2011)” this film portraits a story that is not far from reality and I was fortunate to be involved in filming behind the scenes the revival of one in tropical Australia. The receivers of this closed zoo appointed a zoo animal carer to look after the animals welfare until such time […]

Eastern Yellow Robin – (Eopsaltria australis)
Race australis, found in eastern Queensland (photographed & video Atherton Tablelands) and half of N. New South Wales. Very fast flier with a developed ability of grasping to tree trunks and hunt while body stays upright.

Platypus or Platypuses please .. Not Platypi
I never forgot several years back the spontaneous remark of one of my web readers from Texas saying that “I talked about the platypus like if this animal was still alive” and if this was correct she had lived with this erroneous conception for over 20 years. Where others as I would show them this […]

Australasian Grebe
This cute little guy was as fast as a the duck-bill platypus, diving with an almost same ritual and diving to escape danger rather than take flight. Unusual is also the ability to take flight during the night (I suppose during clear celestial nights or moon nights). They use their lobed feet during underwaterswimming rather […]

No quacks .. just whistles.
The grass whistle duck (plumed whistling-duck) is not a true duck because they are monochromic (both sexes have same colour plumage) and have long legs and necks. Also the traditional “quack” is a actually a whistle. Predominately found in N. Australia and scattered groups in New South Wales & Victoria, with only a small area […]

Parrots Laterality
Laterality is the motor and sensory controls in our body. In another words in humans is mostly identifiable as utilising either the right or left side of our body in our motor and sensory control. Most humans are right handed, although the trend from decades ago has undergone some social changes, it is said that […]