In 2007 at a Hen Harrier meeting set up by the Duke of Westminster, the duke told Ian Grindy, BowlandEstate Manager, United Utilities, that the water authority’s Bowland estate was the worst managed estate in northern England. Game keepers were needed to manage the land the duke suggested. Ian replied with the fact that if […]

Vancouver Island Trip Report – March 2012
During the past few weeks I have been leading my annual Vancouver Island Photo Workshops. Both groups of 4 participants were blessed with some very cooperative weather, plentiful avian subjects and great shooting companions. We had a great time! Some of the most memorable encounters and best photo opportunities included: American Dipper: These guys are […]

Birds of Ecuador in the Lowlands
Part 07/8 of Glenn Bartley’s month-long trip around Ecuador. After 4 spectacular days on the East Slope we traveled back to Quito for the night. The following day those of us who continued on the trip extension took a short 30 minute flight into theEcuadorianlowlands and prepared to travel into the Amazon Rainforest. We then […]

Leaping Into Spring
A late-feeding cardinal leaps into spring, leaving an after-image behind, along with his shadow. Northern Cardinal | Cardinalis cardinalis

Corporate Memory Awash
Recently Melbourne researchers have found that green weaver ants memorise the odour of other green ants and use this to sniff out rivals and do battle. What an interesting reveal, especially when this “whiff” propagates amongst media news frenzy and a global run on the subject, goes a-wire! How much more could one tell about […]

Nature Photography = Natural Light by Ray Barlow
Well, there is a lot of discussion these days about flash usage and nature imaging. Certainly, there could never be an absolutely right or wrong here, we all can only share opinions. Although using a fill flash, with various attachments may be fun, or considered the “better” technique, I personally do not agree. In the […]

Do the Bee-eaters decimate bees?
Southern Spain is yet again suffering a general lack of rain. The Mediterranean climate is characterised by periods of rain followed periods of drought with a resultant biodiversity paradise.We now appear to be entering a drought period after three winters with ample rainfall. In the start of what appears to be a new drought period […]

The Birds of Egypt, a photography trip, 2006-2012, 1 of 4
Living in Cairo, Egypt, one of the most congested and polluted cites of the world, and the oldest one in history, where the Pharaohs built the city 10,000 years ago. In the surrounding environment in the street of Cairo you rarely spot a any birds away from the house sparrow, and that was all I […]