Princeton New Jersey was put on high alert this week after a rabid raccoon bit two people, including a Princeton University student, authorities said.
The first “unprovoked” attack occurred near the Dillon Gym on Princeton’s campus around 8:45 p.m. Monday, authorities said.
The health department said the “chirping” raccoon ambushed an unsuspecting female Princeton University Tiger.
A video clip from the “Class of ’24” victim, which was later posted to the @barstoolprinceton Instagram account, shows the twisted trash bandit running under a fence before leaping on the woman’s leg and chomping it.
The rabid raccoon then makes its getaway into the night.
The student was treated for possible exposure to rabies after the incident, officials said.
But the raccoon wasn’t done and ambushed a second individual less than 12 hours later, authorities said.
The raccoon pounced on the victim, who recorded the attack.
This time, the attack occurred on Hibben Road, near the University around 6 a.m. Tuesday, where a resident found the twisted critter on their doormat
Police were also notified about a third encounter with the animal, officials said, according to
However, the trash panda has not been seen or heard from since, leading town animal control and cops to believe the raccoon met its demise.
“Unless we get a call today, we are going to assume the raccoon had succumbed to the virus, usually raccoons die from rabies within one to three days from onset of symptoms,” Jim Ferry, Princeton’s animal control officer told the New York Post on Friday.
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This article by Dean Balsamini was first published by The New York Post on 9 December 2023. Lead Image: The Monday night ambush on the Princeton University student was an unprovoked attack, authorities said. Instagram @barstoolprinceton.
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