Red-breasted and White-breasted Nutchatches

Red-breasted and White-breasted Nutchatches

Red-breasted and White-breasted Nutchatches
Hanging upside down on branch

White breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis DSC 30531
Sideways on trunk

White breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis D7K 60811
Notice the brown on the bottom back

Red breasted Nuthatch Sitta canadensis D8C68561
Red-breasted Nuthatch – Sitta canadensis

White breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis D8C6802 Edit1
White-breasted Nuthatch – Sitta carolinensis

Red-breasted Nuthatch – Sitta canadensis

Red breasted Nuthatch Sitta canadensis D8C1542 Edit1
looking for food under the bark

Red breasted Nuthatch Sitta canadensis D8C1536
Red-breasted Nuthatch – Sitta canadensis

Nuthatches are members of the genus Sitta and are located worldwide. North America is home to four species; White-breasted Nuthatch, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown-headed Nuthatch, and Pygmy Nuthatch. I have observed and photographed only the first two nuthatches, but hopefully I will be able to see and photograph the other two in the future.

Nuthatches name comes from nut hacker, reflecting the bird’s method of opening up nuts by jamming them into a crevice then hammering at the nuts with their sharp beak.

Both nuthatches are very agile, creeping along trunks and branches, upwards, sideways and upside down, probing into the bark for small insects.

Red-breasted nuthatches are mainly found in the conifers woods and mountains of North America. In the northeastern portion of North America, they can be also found in the deciduous tree forests. In portions of their range, they are only found in winter.

White-breasted nuthatches are found in mature woods and woodland edges and they are common, year-round throughout their range.

Both birds will come to feeders to grab sunflower seeds.

So in this cold, snowy winter keep the feeders filled and watch the birds come.

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Myer Bornstein

I photograph the natural beauty of Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island and other locations Country and elsewhere. I also publish a blog about the area and other interesting vistas and locations.


Myer Bornstein

Myer Bornstein –Photo Bee 1 has been involved in photography for many years and studied photography at the New York Inst. of Photography. He is now retired and photographs the natural beauty of Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island and other locations in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Costa Rica. He also publishes a blog about his works natural history and includes, book and equipment reviews. You can view my blog at Myer Bornstein has won 1st Place in the South Shore Massachusetts Daniel Webster Photo Contest, Best of Show in the Friends of the National Wildlife Refuges of Rhode Island 2011 Photo Contest, and was one of the twenty-four finalists in the 2011 Massachusetts Audubon Photo Contest. He received one of three Judges' Choice prizes in the "Share the View" International Nature Photography contest in 2011 plus had second picture as one of the featured 250 runner ups. He also placed another photograph in the 2012 contest. He was awarded first place in the “Chasing the Light” Juried competition, Flights of Fancy. He’s has also been published both on line and in Nature Magazines and in Books. Recently he had the honor of having the first "50" point photograph in the Pro-Am tournament conducted by The Images for Conservation Fund in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. He teaches photography classes and instructs about Lightroom 4. He also is a volunteer naturalist and photographer for Allen Pond Massachusetts Audubon Sanctuary located in Dartmouth, Massachusetts.

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