It’s the staple of life! Water, birds need water every day, multiple days a day. They need it for both drinking and for bathing, both essential survival needs. In the summer, free water is scarce in many regions because pools evaporate. In the winter time free water freezes. Both scenarios remove water from the system. […]
Tag: Red-breasted Nuthatch

Where are the birds?
Every year I get several letters like one that came in mid-February from WXPR listener Doug Heise, who lives in Rhinelander and has been feeding birds for 30 years. He wrote about the species he’s fed over the years: “So many different varieties. chickadees, nuthatches, many types of finches, Pine Siskins, Chipping Sparrows, cardinals, Blue […]

The Pathological Moseyers Visit the Bog
I was in Colorado this month during the annual Sax-Zim Bog Birding Festival. It’s sad when even a lovely conflict makes me miss the wonderful local event, so on Saturday I headed to the bog with my little birding dog Pip and my friend Lisa. Earlier in the week, the forecast had called for snow […]

Alaska – 2nd June (Day 6)
We were up at 06:30 for a complete change in the routine from the last few days spent on St Paul, the day was to be spent driving south to Seward from Anchorage a journey of 126 miles with a few stops en-route and some birding in Seward on arrival. First stop was a supermarket […]

Spring Migration Update
More and more birds are arriving in the north woods now. On Thursday the 12th I had my first hummingbird of the season along with a Least Flycatcher and Black-and-white Warblers in my own yard, and I’ve had a few warblers here and there. A few Yellow-rumps and several Pine Warblers were on territory on […]

The 16th Annual Great Backyard Bird Count a Huge Success
Even though the Great Backyard Bird Count is still accepting check list submissions until March 1st, it is already a huge success. They already have 2,994 species recorded (at this posting) and over 23 million birds counted across the globe. So far bird watchers have submitted 114,050 check lists! My list for the first day […]

Red-breasted and White-breasted Nutchatches
Nuthatches are members of the genus Sitta and are located worldwide. North America is home to four species; White-breasted Nuthatch, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Brown-headed Nuthatch, and Pygmy Nuthatch. I have observed and photographed only the first two nuthatches, but hopefully I will be able to see and photograph the other two in the future. Nuthatches name […]

OK, So I Started a 2013 Bird Year List
Yup, I’ve never really been into listing birds. Certainly I keep track of the birds I see on bird walks and outings and report sightings on eBird, but I never kept a yard list , county list, state list, or even a life list. To tell you the truth, I don’t know how many birds […]