Snail Kite at Orlando Wetlands Park

Snail Kite at Orlando Wetlands Park

Snail Kites don’t frequently come into Orange County, but with all the rain we’ve been having, I guess water levels are high, and this one decided to look for a better place to find Apple Snails. What a beautiful bird! I watched this one for almost an hour. It spent a lot of time just perched, but then it did put on a show for a little while, collecting snails and then eating them right in front of me. Based on the yellow legs and thin-looking bill, I think this is a first year bird.

MG 6950 L
Snail Kite

MG 7019 L
Snail Kite

MG 7026 L
Snail Kite

MG 7035 L
Snail Kite

MG 7051 L
Snail Kite

MG 7094 L
Snail Kite

MG 6950 L
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Snail KiteSnail Kites don’t frequently come into Orange County, but with all the rain we’ve been having, I guess water levels are high, and this one decided to look for a better place to find Apple Snails. What a beautiful bird! I watched this one for almost an hour.

It spent a lot of time just perched, but then it did put on a show for a little while, collecting snails and then eating them right in front of me. Based on the yellow legs and thin-looking bill, I think this is a first year bird.

MG 7019 L
Snail Kite

MG 7026 L
Snail Kite

MG 7035 L
Snail Kite

MG 7051 L
Snail Kite

MG 7094 L
Snail Kite

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Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons, based in Florida, is a lover of nature, landscape, and wildlife photography. Scott became interested in photography in 2001 when he was given his first SLR camera. When he acquired a telephoto lens, he became progressively more interested in birds and other wildlife. Scott enjoys learning about bird habitats and behavior, striving always to take images that are both beautiful and interpretive. Scott believes photography is a great vehicle to help others to appreciate the wonder for the stuff of earth.

Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons

Scott Simmons, based in Florida, is a lover of nature, landscape, and wildlife photography. Scott became interested in photography in 2001 when he was given his first SLR camera. When he acquired a telephoto lens, he became progressively more interested in birds and other wildlife. Scott enjoys learning about bird habitats and behavior, striving always to take images that are both beautiful and interpretive. Scott believes photography is a great vehicle to help others to appreciate the wonder for the stuff of earth.

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